What is Lymphatic Massage?

A lymphatic drainage massage helps drain your lymph nodes by working the surface level of the skin. It consists of a very light touch following the lymphatic system channels and nodes. 

How does Lymphatic massage help you after surgery?

Your tissue will be very swollen after surgery. Even light invasive procedures can cause trauma to your tissue causing increased swelling and discomfort.

By draining your lymph nodes manually consistently during your healing process, you reduce swelling and discomfort while promoting improved healing.

Can I do a Lymphatic Massage on myself?

Depending on the type of procedure you had, yes you can and should massage yourself daily. 

Keep in mind that it is still an excellent idea to have a professional help you once or twice a week during your recovery period.

How often should I get a professional post-surgery Lymphatic Massage?

Your doctor will direct you on how often you should get treatment and how soon to start. We will not recommend anything against your doctor’s specific instructions. 

The best recovery results we have seen are from those clients whose doctors recommended getting massages pretty soon after their procedure. 

They also chose to get massages twice per week for about 6 weeks and once a week for the following 6 weeks.

How expensive are these massages?

As you are calculating your procedure’s total cost, it is important to factor in the massages you will need after the procedure is completed.

A single post-surgery lymphatic massage is $75. For your convenience and to save money, you can purchase 5 hours for $325 and 10 hours for $525 prepaid.

What should I expect during my massage?

Depending on the area affected, you will undress to your comfort level. You will be draped at all times. You will need to remove your bindings so that your affected area can be lightly massaged.

Your nodes will be activated and the massage strokes will flow with the natural pathways of the lymphatic system. There should be no pain during this time.

What should I expect after my massage?

Drink plenty of water. Expect to urinate a lot after the treatment. Your urine may even have a more poignant smell a couple of times afterward.

How do I set up my appointment?

Click Here to book online. Also, feel free to text us at 470-227-1669 to inquire about additional availability.

Please Note: Due to the increase risk of blood-clotting, we cannot massage anyone who’s had any type of Covid vaccine.